May 30, 2009

Trust Starts Here

Six trusted colleagues weigh in to tell us why trust matters and how to get, keep and maintain it.

Read it here -> How To Build Trust -- over at the OPEN Forum by American Express Open.

May 29, 2009

Snap Out of It; Global Trade Isn't Going Away

One of my favorite classic scenes in the movie Moonstruck is when Loretta (Cher) says to Ronny (Nicolas Cage), "Snap out of it!" (view clip here -- it's toward the end -- nice diversion). Well that scene plays in my head when I say to all the folks who are reporting bad news about global trade:

"Snap out of it!" Global trade isn't going away any time soon.

In the meantime and if you are a glutton for punishment, read more downer news at the, "Trade and Hard Times."

May 27, 2009

Kudos to International Trade Administration (ITA)


ITA has finally started a blog. Great to hear. The more the merrier and the far more productive we can be on the global frontiers.

Blog can be found here. Here's a good entry on Trade Stats Express. No RSS feed yet but I'm sure it's coming.

Just in direct from ITA (4/7/10) ...
Thank you for highlighting the ITA Blog but if you could please replace the old emblem (as shown at the very top) with the new one (seen here: that has been in use since 2007, we would very much appreciate your support.

Many thanks,

Office of Public Affairs
International Trade Administration

Japan: Why Some Companies Are Hot in a Down Market

Not all companies are performing poorly in Japan.

Take a look at these:

Toyo Suisan Kaisha -- Japanese site (profile snapshot)
Nitori (Japanese site) -- Reuters stock quote
Fast Retailing (parent of Uniqlo)
Ryohin Keikaku (parent of Muji -- pictured is a Muji house)

Find out why (value is a large part of it) a select few, such as those noted above, are doing better than others at The Economist, "Winner's In Japan's Recession: Gloom and boom."

May 26, 2009

Global Social Entrepreneurship

Global social entrepreneurs are empowered by a mission. Success is not driven by creating economic value, but a social value.

In this case, discover how Chinese leaders learn about corporate social responsibility from American companies such as Nike and Starbucks here.

Photo: Guo Xin dines with Wilson Wewa Jr. (on left), chief of the Confederated Tribe of Warm Springs, and Corkey Ambrose, chief of the Yakama Tribe, during a community powwow.

Photo credit: Brian Lee, Brian Lee Photography

May 22, 2009

New Discovery: Global Trade Helps Economy

I wish I would have thought of that! Seriously, in case you didn't know, experts (myself included) say that global trade helps economy; and, that tearing down barriers to global trade is the answer, not the problem.

Read more here. Fabulous material. Great quote by Rick Wade, senior analyst and deputy chief of staff of the U.S. Department of Commerce:
"While the challenges we face are deep and real … and unrivaled in half a century, American companies are world leaders in technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. Exporting and importing are essential to creating jobs and growing the economy."