I'll jump to one (of 27 at this writing) of the reader's comments which I think says it all:
Focusing on supporting and recommending small businesses will create a much better world to live in and spread the wealth far more equitably.Read more here.
economy ,unemployment rate ,private sector ,president ,new jobs ,first quarter ,economists ,unemployment ,the associated press ,stocks ,republican ,recovery ,recession ,quotes ,payrolls ,headlines ,government ,world economy ,workers ,washington ,united states ,poor shape ,photos ,labor department ,government jobs ,global economy ,german economy ,gas prices ,europe ,economy news ,decline ,country ,commodities ,cnnmoney ,canada ,business ,bureau of labor statistics
Focusing on supporting and recommending small businesses will create a much better world to live in and spread the wealth far more equitably.Read more here.
India is part of Wal-Mart's rapid global expansion under Mike Duke, the former head of the company's international division who in February became CEO. In his previous job, he recruited native-born managers in international markets who understood local customs. Mr. Jain, for example, had worked more than 20 years here for Unilever PLC and Whirlpool Corp. Wal-Mart's 3,400 international stores generate close to one quarter of the company's revenue.The arrival of big-box wholesalers and retailers in India was a major political issue a couple of years ago, with widespread protests from small merchants. But as the Indian economy has slowed, the furor has eased. Shoppers became accustom to larger stores from local retailers such as Pantaloon Retail India Ltd.
Read more here.
1. Spicy peanutsOriginal source: On Display, 10 Inventions That Changed the World
2. That extend-a-thing that helps me change the lightbulb way over our entryway
3. TV remote
4. Moveable type
5. Automatic soap dispenser (tie)
6. Automatic urinal flusher (tie)
7. Automatic paper towel dispenser (tie)
8. Stairs
9. Lye soap
10. Fountain drinks
Haier is the world’s 4th largest whitegoods manufacturer and one of China’s Top 100 IT Companies. Haier has 240 subsidiary companies and 30 design centers, plants and trade companies and more than 50,000 employees throughout the world. Haier specializes in technology research, manufacture industry, trading and financial services. Haier 2006 global revenue was RMB107.5 billion.
The bill calls for more focus on small business issues, helping to raise the profile of small exporters and ensuring that the interests of these exporters are represented during trade negotiations.Small businesses play a vital role in America's international commerce, representing about 97 percent of all exporters. Yet, with only one percent of small firms exporting their goods -- making up slightly more than a quarter of the country's exporting volume -- exporting remains dominated by large firms.
U.S. exports of goods and services grew by 12 percent in 2008 to
$1.84 trillion , while imports increased 7.4 percent to$2.52 trillion -- further evidence that more small business involvement in exporting would help reduce the country's trade deficit.
Golson and his wife, experienced part-time and full-time expatriates, provide a fascinating road map for retirement planning outside the U.S. This book targets the 76 million baby boomers reaching age 65 in 2010 who may be intrigued by the idea of seeking another culture for retirement that offers many possibilities for new interests and friendships. The authors provide in-depth evaluation of 10 countries (plus brief information on others) emphasizing both positive and negative aspects of living there plus commentary by Americans who reside in each country. Finances are a major issue, and there are opportunities for those with modest budgets as well as larger incomes. Missing family and friends in the U.S. is the major downside to living abroad, but the benefits include a sense of adventure, lower cost of living in some instances, climate, and greater freedom. An excellent, valuable resource for library patrons who are seriously considering offshore retirement as well as those who may be dreaming about it. ~ Mary Whaley
We also need to reaffirm our commitment to resist protectionism, especially when rising unemployment increases the pressure and temptation to put up trade barriers. Creating more barriers to global trade is a surefire way to prolong the recession.See what you think. Agree? Disagree? Weigh in to let us know your thoughts!
The U.A.E. is the largest export market for the United States in the Middle East. ~ U.S. Census BureauMore information can be found at the US-UAE Business Council.