June 25, 2009

Who Changed Our World?

Currently, we know Guy Kawasaki does a good job with this but who or what else, in your opinion, has changed our world as a result of an amazing invention over the past 100 years? Think back -- from steam engines to the Model T Ford (pictured) -- something must be worthy of your vote. If not, add your own ideas like this reader did:
1. Spicy peanuts
2. That extend-a-thing that helps me change the lightbulb way over our entryway
3. TV remote
4. Moveable type
5. Automatic soap dispenser (tie)
6. Automatic urinal flusher (tie)
7. Automatic paper towel dispenser (tie)
8. Stairs
9. Lye soap
10. Fountain drinks
Original source: On Display, 10 Inventions That Changed the World

Cast your vote directly here (ten objects have been selected to help guide you in the process; they are the ones on display at museum). And take a tour of the museum of the future while you are at it.

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